Business Consulting
Focused on leading financial sector digitalisation projects
and Project Management in ICT industry
in Serbia and Adriatic region.

Your Reliable Partner
Complex challenges require
experience and know-how with rational
project and resource management.

Who we are
Shamrock is a modern consulting company in the field of digitalisation and project management. The goal of our engagement is an efficient management of complex projects.
Our team includes professionals with many years of experience in executive positions throughout various national and foreign companies.
Our Services
Our services are carefully tailored to your business and to meet specific needs or problems that need to be solved. Depending on your business needs, our services can be grouped into several key groups:

Product Development
Development of a new or improvement of an existing product consists of a set of activities: Firstly, a market research and determining product characteristics according to the clients’ needs, then its regulatory compliance, and lastly the analysis of its market placement success.
These activities result in a new product or a new feature with a single goal – to create added value for the company.

Business Processes Optimisation
This is a complex process in which we perform a systematic and detailed collection, processing and analysis of available data, which should provide identifying and defining of the optimal business process model.
The ultimate goal of these activities is to bring business processes to an optimal level, by cutting the costs and increasing efficiency.

Project Management
One of our specialities is outsourcing of managing of specific functions, or projects, or managing entire business for a limited period of time.
During this process, we include various professional managers, each with and expertise for certain area, in order to achieve agreed results within the predefined deadlines.

Business Plan Development
As part of the overall analysis of the corporate commercial policy, we generate Business Plan including advisory for optimising exisisting plans, but also assisting in creation of new business goals and corporate strategy.
During this process we can also propose business model based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Expert Trainings and Coaching
Besides the above mentioned services we also organise specialised trainings and coaching sessions, for your staff – to both managers and other employees.
Trainings and coaching are organised in such manner to avoid any interruptions of your company’s daily routines, and can be delivered as part of our above mentioned services. The goal of these trainings is to increase the corporate efficiency, and above all – sales and project managment activities.
Trainings can be external, internal or individual, depending of your business process needs.
All our trainings include final tests, and thus all the participants who successfully pass these tests receive a certificate on sucessful training completion.
Registering a New Business
We can carry out the registration of the following business entities in Serbia:
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Sole Trader – Enterpreneur
- Association of Citizens and Organisations
- Representative Office of a Foreign Legal Entity
- Branch of a Company
We also offer these services bundled with website, emails and domain.

Archiving and Digitization Services
In cooperation with our business partners from Cerat and DSC, we can offer you a complete service of consulting, arrangement of the archive depot, outsourcing of your archives, as well as archive digitization.
The Law on Archives and Archival Activity (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 6/2020) obliges all companies to provide space for the preservation of archives, as well as to appoint a person responsible for the protection of all archive materials. Besides, companies are obliged to create internal acts aligned with legislatin, and also to form an Archival Book and to submit all their archives materials to the State Archives of Serbia once a year.
Penalties for non-compliance with this law are extremely high, and go up to 20k EUR. Don’t let these provisions affect your business – contact us and make an appointment. Submission of documentation must be carried out in accordance with legal deadlines.
Our Partners
We tailor our services for businesses of all sizes. Our partners vary from large corporations to small businesses, and from national to multinational corporations. Below are some of our valuable partners.